Effective September 1 - Mason Treat Act
2025 Cherokee Nation Car Tag Compact FAQ
Truck-tractors that are driven state to state MAY NOT be registered with the Cherokee Nation
RegistrationGuidelines in this section apply to all commercial trucks registering at 15,000 pounds and under. Commercial trucks include pickups and other vehicles on a truck chassis.
Passenger vehicles may not be registered as a commercial truck. An Affidavit of Commercial Use must be completed on vehicles with a combined laden weight of 15,000 pounds or less. A tribal citizen must be the sole proprietor of business (proof required).
All commercial vehicles must have the name of the commercial establishment or the words “COMMERCIAL VEHICLE” permanently and prominently displayed upon the outside of the vehicle in letters not less than 2 inches by 2 inches.
RenewalRenewals cards for commercial license plates will be mailed out as a courtesy. The renewal may be completed by mail unless in penalty, or in person any time after the first month of expiration.
Upon each renewal, an Affidavit of Commercial Use must be completed, signed, and notarized. Upon each renewal, one of these three items must be submitted: